Archive for November, 2008

I got a new destop look…..

As many people have pointed out, i am mad about good looking destops themes even though it costs me a large amount of RAM. By themes I mean a good looking desktop which is usable and appealing. It’s really a good thing i switched to ubuntu. I can now have my own desktop style.(That’s not the only reason though. It is the best OS i have ever seen).

See my screenshots.

You need to have some themes. You can select the ones which u like. the icon theme i used is Blood drops.You can download some good themes from here.

I deleted the top panel. Increased the bottom panel width to 40 and added some applets to the panel.

The arrows you see in the left edge of the screen are also panels. Just right click on any panel and click add new panel. Uncheck expand.  Check the show hide buttons. I ncrease the panel width to about 70. Drag the panel to position(Drag by clicking the middle button).

Resize the icons as you wish(Just right click and there is the option). The firefox icon in the desktop is not a part of the wall paper. It is an icon!!!

‘Boycott Novell’ boycotted from Free software conference!!!

Manhandling free software activists at National Free Software conference wreaked havoc at CUSAT were the event was held. The activists were putting up posters saying “BOYCOTT NOVELL” at the exhibition stalls.

The Novell corp. had their own stall at the exhibition and were one of the official sponsors of the programme. Giving Novell the position is almost as good as putting up a sign saying “I support Microsoft!”

Some of us were having a heated argument ourselves at a stall where students were using Windows to play a video related to compiz fusion, when the argument started. There were also stalls with people citing the so called ‘User friendlyness’ of windows’.

The organizers and the security manhandled Anivar Aravind, a former student of CUSAT and a well known free software activist despite the fact that he was the one who fought hard to bring free software to the institution.

For more details see Arky’s blog

Read manorama online in ubuntu using firefox(again…!)

There is a better answer than installing padma.(i learned this after i wrote my previous post)

This is also a guide to installing Windows ttf fonts in ubuntu. Manorama provides the font in their own site. Download it from here.

Now we need a package called msttcorefonts in ubuntu. Type sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts in your terminal.(or click here to install it).

Now open your home directory. make a folder there and name it ‘.fonts’ (take care to put the .)

[For those who need to know more putting a . hides your folder. Press Ctrl+H to show all hidden folders]

O.K coming back.

Copy the font to the folder.(Copy any ttf font you want there.)

The font will be installed once you reboot. But if you don’t want to do that open your terminal.

Type sudo fc-cache -fv

Close firefox and load the page again.

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November 2008